Significant Figures

Basic Concept

In making measurements, chemists need to be accurate, but almost any measurement has limits to its precision. The digits in measurement that are known to be precise, along with a final digit with uncertainty, are known as significant figures. Significant figure is a very important concept in chemical calculation. This module covers the basic concept and significant figures conversion.

Feature Overview

This module outputs any decimal with correct significant number as specified. It also carry out algebraic operation with significant numbers.

User Instructions

Click on the Significant Figures tab in the Basics of Chemical Calculation module to open it.

1. Get Significant Figure

This calculates the number of significant figures in any given number.

Enter a number and Click Get button to obtain result.

2. Round-Off

This rounds off any given number according to the number of significant figures given.

Enter a number in the first box and # of significant figures in the second box and click on Round button, the box on the right will output the result of the round-off operation.

3. Addition

This allows addition of two numbers and outputs the result in the form with proper significant figure.

Enter two numbers to be added together and click = to get the result.

4. Subtraction

This allows subtraction of two numbers and outputs the result in the form with proper significant figure.

Enter two numbers for subtraction in order and click = to get the result.

5. Multiplication

This allows multiplication of two numbers and outputs the result in the form with proper significant figure.

Enter two numbers for multiplication and click = to get the result.

6. Division

This allows division of two numbers in order and outputs the result in the form with proper significant figure.

Enter two numbers for division in order and click = to get the result.